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The year of the dog

Getting ready for 2018

As we get ready for new year's resolutions, its timely to reflect on 2017 ...just a little and on not a lot.

The world is too sad and too complex to dwell on insurmountable challenges such as race hate, hunger and poverty. With so much international events in 2017, I'm prompted to reflect on three things from an Irish citizen's standpoint:

  • President Trump is still in power. Now North Korea have a missile with a range sufficient to strike America.

  • Brexit is an unholy mess for Ireland. Every scenario except a reversal of the entire Brexit agenda is negative for Ireland inc.

  • The national economy has grown considerably with well known complaints, housing too little, homelessness and traffic, too much and every parent is thinking of their kids and wondering what future lies in store?

I take comfort from two small things - the Valeant share price has doubled since its low of May 2017. Having criticised the company for its failings, one has to be impressed with a doubling of share price from its abyss - even if it is only to arise from the canvas to one's knees.

Second, traffic queues on the motorway network evidence the rise in employment - that's more people with real jobs paying their mortgages, educating their kids, paying taxes for public services and indeed overseas aid to people we don't know and will never meet except through the lens of a TV camera, usually for reasons of desperate sadness and suffering.

In a world more uncertain than it has ever been, death and taxes remain and must be met. If you're engaged in discharging the latter, at least you are not preoccupied with the former - a comfort surely.

For Adagiov, we have supported the growth of three businesses, all start-ups, since we founded in 2014. Some share investments have gone well along with venture partnering overseas with good prospects for 2018.

HealthBeacon goes from strength to strength with 3 offices overseas and excellent prospects in the connected health marketplace. Aribamed, just two years fully trading has become well recognised in specialty medicine supply to Irish hospitals. Educate4Health has delivered campaigns for leading healthcare companies and moved on in leaps and bounds.

2018 will not be an easy year, not because of a global fiscal correction, not because of war between the US and North Korea, nor indeed for some unforseen contagion, though each are remote possibilities. 2018 will not be an easy year because it as uncertain a year as we have all faced where the variables and unknown "unknowns" abound more than ever.

Its a good year for the dog - that energetic loveable creature who knows how to dig and persevere in order to get a treat. That's why for me, the first resolution for 2018 is to emulate our Irish rowing stalwarts the O'Donovan's from Skibbereen. Heads down and with the tenacity borne of endless hours practicing - then shouting "Pull like a dog!!"...great advice especially if you want to pass the winning line first.

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